Krank arbeiten in der Selbstständigkeit

Being sick in self-employment

It has caught me!
The week before last I got the flu and the Corona virus. Yes, every now and then I am sick in bed. But what is it like to be sick as a self-employed person?It has caught me!The week before last I got the flu and the Corona virus. Yes, every now and then I am sick in bed. But what is it like to be sick as a self-employed person?

As an employee, you go on sick leave and continue to be paid during this time. Usually, the most urgent work is then done by other employees in the company. But what’s it like when you’re self-employed? Ongoing projects can’t just be stopped like that, can they?

You have to deal with situations like this when you’re self-employed. With several employees it might be easier, because they can take over some tasks, but like me, a lot of new self-employed start as a one-man-show and might want to stay that way. Therefore, I describe this situation in more detail here.

Work despite illness?

In contrast to employment, you don’t get paid when you’re sick when you’re self-employed. This is because only work performed is paid for. Therefore, many tend to continue working from bed despite illness. If you are out of action for a few days due to illness, it is difficult to really concentrate and work efficiently. This also delays recovery in most cases.

What to do instead?

To get fit again as quickly as possible, you should take it easy on your body and mind when you have a cold and are usually forced to sleep a lot. But customers and projects are waiting…To get fit again as quickly as possible, you should take it easy on your body and mind when you have a cold and are usually forced to sleep a lot. But customers and projects are waiting…

It is then not uncommon that customers naturally contact you or even wait for very urgent work.
One possibility is to work through only the most urgent to-dos – it is important to recognize really urgent to-dos. Not every important to-do is urgent.It is then not uncommon that customers naturally contact you or even wait for very urgent work.One possibility is to work through only the most urgent to-dos – it is important to recognize really urgent to-dos. Not every important to-do is urgent.

To other customers whose projects are still on schedule after a few days of downtime anyway, you can explain that you’re not available for a few days. They will also understand – after all, we are all only human.

Of course, it would be better if you don’t even have to work on the urgent to-dos yourself. Perhaps these urgent tasks can be outsourced. Therefore, it is important to have a good network – colleagues from the same industry, freelancers or other self-employed people from the same environment.
So you yourself have enough rest, while the ongoing projects are not stopped by this, if freelancers can work on them.Of course, it would be better if you don’t even have to work on the urgent to-dos yourself. Perhaps these urgent tasks can be outsourced. Therefore, it is important to have a good network – colleagues from the same industry, freelancers or other self-employed people from the same environment.So you yourself have enough rest, while the ongoing projects are not stopped by this, if freelancers can work on them.

What can be done in advance?

Days on which you are absent simply have to be calculated into your hourly rate or project costs – just as you calculate your vacation days over the year into your hourly rate.

It is also advisable to plan generous buffers in project timings. This buffer is not only useful if individual steps in the project are postponed or if, for example, customers do not provide content or feedback on time, but also cushions your own failures.

Of course, the whole thing can only be planned if you expect to be out of action for a few days or a week at most.

As already described above, it is important to build up a network and, above all, to clarify in advance with people who can stand in for you if you are unavailable. Other self-employed people are usually willing to do this, because they are also happy when they themselves are unavailable and you can fill in for them.

Another way to avoid missing out on income while you’re sick is to build up passive income on the side. There are many different ways to do this. Of course, this is not so fast to be able to live on it, but it at least provides a bit of basic noise and you create sources of income, which bring money in times when you are not working.

What if you are out for a longer period of time?

If you are absent for a longer period of time, you might want to consider disability insurance. Here you get then in case of accident or prolonged illness a certain daily allowance. For this, it is best to obtain information from insurance companies.

Ongoing projects then have to be delayed or, in the worst case, stopped. But that is an exceptional case anyway.

What is your opinion about being sick as a self-employed person? Do you have any other tips to prevent absences in self-employment? Just write me a comment!

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