What is the difference between homepage, web page and website?

Homepage, website, web page – isn’t it the same?!

Again and again I hear or read sentences like „I need a new homepage“ or „Have a look at my homepage“. Unfortunately, again and again from people in the online industry. For many who know the difference, this makes their hair stand on end 😀.
But it’s actually quite simple. Here is a short and concise explanation of the terms homepage vs. web page vs. website:


This is the home page of your website. It’s usually the first page you arrive at when you enter the domain.

Web page

Strictly speaking, web page means only a single page of the web presence. For example a blog post or contact page.


The term website refers to the complete web presence. This means the homepage as well as all subpages of the website.

Photo by Niclas Illg on Unsplash

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