When i started this blog i asked myself if i should write the posts in my native language german or in english. I did a little bit research and there are many different opinions.
It always depends on your target group. If you want to focus on german speaking people because your blog is about a regional topic, then you definitely should write your blog posts in german.
Writing in german
Many bloggers recommend to write in the native language because it’s easier and faster. So you can write more blog posts in less time.
Writing in english
When you are writing your blog in english you could reach a lot more people so there is a lot more potential to get visitors on your website from all over the world.
Why not both languages?
Another option is to write in both languages. You can first write it in your native language and later on you could just translate the article into the other language.
There are some Plugins like WPML or Polylang for WordPress so you can translate your posts and pages into multiple languages.
But don’t underestimate it: The translation itself also takes some time so you have double time for one post. But you don’t have to translate all your posts from begin on. If it’s successful in one language then you can translate your posts to another language.
Why i decided to write my blog in english
I decided to write my blog in english because of 3 reasons:
- the main part of my blog is about my work in programming or coding so english is the language for all programmers
- i have seen that many of my instagram and facebook users are from other countries than austria, germany or switzerland so i think they would not read my blog if it’s written in german
- last but not least: my english is – as we call it – „not the yellow of the egg“ (it’s not perfect) so i think writing in english could improve my english skills
I hope this will help some of you with your decision. Write in the comments in which language you are writing your blog and why.
Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash